Think of a vinyl record. When sound gets recorded on to the vinyl record it is physical soundwaves that get etched in to the surface, which get replayed by the stylus by following those grooves. It’s almost like physical soundwaves in the vinyl surface.
Now let’s think of old school photography. Light is allowed to expose on to the film through the camera. It creates an actual representation of the light that was physically hitting the film that creates the image.
So now think of the modern *digital* alternatives of those things. Digital Photography is discreet pieces of information. The photo is actually just stored values for a whole bunch of pixels. The analog photo isn’t discreet pieces but just one smooth gradient of lightness/darkness.
Similarly, digital music is discreet values broken down into small moments in time… you could think of them like “pixels” that make up the recording. The vinyl record however is like a smooth physical wave, there are no “bits” it is just a smooth wave.
Hopefully that kind of paints the idea in an intuitive way.
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