Eli5 what it means when someone gets life in prison PLUS additional time


I just heard on the TV that someone got life in prison plus 47 years. I never understood this. Life in prison is life in prison so what does this mean when they get additional time on top of life in prison?

In: 536

50 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

The answers given are pretty good. But I just wanted to say that depending on the country you are talking about, a life sentence does not actually mean staying in prison for life. In Canada for instance, when given a life sentence, if it is first degree they are required to stay in prison for 25 years, if it is second degree or lower it is 10 years to 25 years.

So if a judge said a life sentence and that is it, they could parole after 25 years. If they got a life sentence plus 47 years. In Canada you can parole after 33% of your term is served so 25 years + a third of 47 so they could not get out until after 40 years.

Just another perspective.

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