Eli5 what kind of force is required to sustain a concussion?


Can you possibly also offer real world examples such as “slamming your head can generate x amount of force which is conducive of concussion” etc

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3 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Have not seen for concusstion. But ssen for knokking out. 70j are required to knock some one out if hit is delivered against relaxed jaw.

Anonymous 0 Comments

This isn’t easy to answer as it takes different forces to concuss different people.

Im sure you or me wouldn’t be possible to knock out Mike Tyson in his hay day with our bare fists, but I’m sure a gust of wind could knock out (insert small skinny person here).

Anonymous 0 Comments

you need to deliver a force to the skull, that moves to brain from side one of the skull to the other, slamming it against the inner skull.

You want to move to brain.

If you slam 70 joules into a boxers face, and his face does not move, so does his brain, and he wont go down. you need to shake his brain.