Eli5: What makes a stealth fighter harder to detect than a regular plane?


Eli5: What makes a stealth fighter harder to detect than a regular plane?

In: 284

18 Answers

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If you point your flashlight in the dark sky can you see the light when you look up at it? No, because the light needs something to bounce off of and back to you in order for you to see it. Radar works in a similar way. The plane is designed so that the radar bounces in a different direction from where it came from. That way the radar receiving station isn’t getting much of the signal back.

Second way is to reduce/absorb the signal. How much light can you see if you shine the flashlight at a white sheet of paper versus a black sheet of paper? The black sheet is absorbing some of the light, so that is reducing the light bouncing back for you to see. The plane is absorbing or reducing the signal strength.

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