Eli5: What makes a stealth fighter harder to detect than a regular plane?


Eli5: What makes a stealth fighter harder to detect than a regular plane?

In: 284

18 Answers

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Generally speaking detection usually involves one of two methods:

– active (bouncing something off a vehicle and detecting its reflection, such as searchlights, radar, sonar).

– passive (detecting disturbance caused by the vehicle, such as noise or heat or magnetic anomalies)

For stealth craft, radar (for long distance detection) and infra-red (for short distance) are the biggest concerns.

Common techniques for avoiding radar:

– build using radar-absorbent materials

– shaped without any sharp, concave ‘corners’ that reflect a lot

– house the powerplants internally behind a long duct (the fans are typically very big reflectors)

– using serrated edges with a mix of absorbent and non-absorbent materials, so the radar bounces back and forth and eventually loses strength.

– house missiles internally in a weapons bay

Reducing Infra-red can be a bit trickier:

– the shape of the nozzle can reduce the signature (slits better than round nozzles)

– some aircraft have the nozzles above the wing, so the hottest part of the exhaust is hidden from ground detection.

– some aircraft mix cold air in with the exhaust in order to cool it to avoid detection.

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