Eli5: What makes a vowel a vowel?


In English, at least as I learned it 40 years ago, the vowels are a, e, i, o , u, and sometimes y. I know that every word must have a vowel. But, what IS a vowel. Why is “a” a vowel and “b” is not?
Muchas gracias.

In: 7

6 Answers

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You can hold it.

It based on the sounds that yer meat-flappers in tha front o’ yer head make. open your mouth and put your lips into any certain configuration making a certain shape and breath out with your voice box buzzing. Don’t move your lips or mouth. It makes a vowel sound. Usually.

Jiggle your flippy flappers and tongue and jaw this way and that, beat-box a little holding and releasing pressure, you’re making consonants. You can’t told the “t” sounds perpetually. It’s defined by that release of pressure with the tongue at the top. You can hold the “uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh” part of “Ton”, but you can’t hold the “t”.

Words have vowels because that’s the sound that happens while moving your mouth into the shape of the next consonant.

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