eli5, what makes humans so advanced compared to other species on Earth?


eli5, what makes humans so advanced compared to other species on Earth?

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10 Answers

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Tag says Biology so…

We are what are called Generalists which means we have adapted to survive a range of conditions and environments allowing homo sapien et al to radiate and establish populations around the world.

Biology usually recognizes equality among species, emphasizing natural selection as a driving force for adaptation and evolution. We may declare ourselves advanced but in most ways biologically, we are not. Human culture as supported through oral and written traditions emerges and allows for critical information and strategies to survive all but the most disastrous catastrophes, but culture and even personhood are not exclusive to humans. At the apex of our culture is our science and the benefits it and evidence may offer which does seem to be special so far but we should welcome all scientists regardless of their domain of origin.

In terms of anatomy, we possess a region of our brain called the Prefrontal Cortex which also seems to be unique, that aids us in long term planning, strategy and the strong emotional responses of the Amygdala.

Since all of our culture, art and language could be erased but isn’t, it is hard to use any human fiction as merit for superiority in the animal kingdom.

Our evolutionary background, using ‘our’ loosely since there is no single consenus dna sequence that can describe all of us; is quite varied including multiple species’ contributions including genes from Neanderthal and Denisovan introgressions.

I was trained to avoid the ‘advanced’ or ‘superior’ adjectives in regards to any species as we and all life are constantly being shaped by our environment. Beware the homo progression that shows us at the end of a line of older upright or tool making ancestors. We, like all life, are special and precious.

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