eli5, what makes humans so advanced compared to other species on Earth?


eli5, what makes humans so advanced compared to other species on Earth?

In: 4

10 Answers

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Humans have big brains that allow us to think, remember, and solve problems. Our brains have a special part called the neocortex, which helps us with complex thinking and creativity. This means we can imagine things that don’t exist yet and come up with new ideas.

We have hands with thumbs that can move and grasp things. This gives us fine motor skills, allowing us to build tools, create art, and manipulate objects with precision.

Humans are social creatures. We can communicate using complex languages, which means we can share information, stories, and feelings with each other. This helps us work together, learn from each other, and pass down knowledge from one generation to the next.

We have a curious nature, always asking questions and seeking answers. This has led us to discover and understand the world around us. We have invented things like fire, wheels, and computers, which have helped us survive, travel, and make our lives easier.

Humans are adaptable. We can live in various environments, from freezing cold to scorching hot, and from mountains to deserts. We have developed different cultures, traditions, and ways of living, adapting to our surroundings and creating diverse societies.

Overall, it’s the combination of our big brains, dexterous hands, social abilities, curiosity, and adaptability that make humans so advanced compared to other species. We continue to learn, explore, and invent, making progress and shaping the world around us.

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