eli5 What my eyes see.


Why is it? if I close two eyes I can see light through my closed eyes, but if I close one eye and keep the other one open I see nothing from the closed eye.

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The issue here is that you believe you “see” with your eyes. You do not. Your eyes do nothing more than capture information about light. You see *with your brain*. Your eyes transmit the information they have gathered about light to your brain, which then interprets the information it receives.

The fact that your brain does the processing is key here. There are many things about how the eye works that your brain just straight up ignores. As you move your eyes around, it’s not a nice, smooth motion the way you interpret. Your eyes move by snapping around, and your brain smooths that out. You can’t “see” outside the range of what your eyes pick up, so your brain doesn’t “see” darkness behind your head, it just ignores that (lack of) information. The same thing is happening if you close one eye… You are still getting visual information, so your brain is ignoring the information from the other eye since it considers it irrelevant. You want this to be the case.