eli5 What’s Neurodivergent Mean and Why is the Word Everywhere All of a Sudden?


Everyone and their Mom is neurodivergent now it seems.

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See aLso: moron, idiot, cretin, imbeciLe, pin head, retarded, inteLLectuaLLy disabLed, differentLy abLed. These are many of the words from the past to describe those with diminished inteLLectuaL abiLity which are no Longer considered kind words.

Todays word is “Neurodivergent”, and it wiLL also be thrown aside when a new term is deemed friendLier/more incLusive.

Why is it “everywhere”? Because it is currentLy trendy to be seen as anything but “normaL” and cLaiming one is neurodivergent can be anything you Like, made up or not. I personaLLy am compeLLed to aLways use a capitaL L for some reason. Just a quirk of my neurodivergence I guess, Tehee.

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