eli5 What’s Neurodivergent Mean and Why is the Word Everywhere All of a Sudden?


Everyone and their Mom is neurodivergent now it seems.

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17 Answers

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Because it covers multiple issues it means there are lots of people who would class as neurodivergent in someway. It’s a term that people are increasingly aware of and recognise, so realise if they are neurodivergent, so it’s getting used more, rather than an actual increase in these conditions.

You can think of it as a description of someone whose brain behaves in a different way to the majority of other peoples’ brains.

The term is a catch-all term to describe anyone whose brain does this. It doesn’t give specific info. And there are lots of ways a brain can be neurodivergent, so there are lots of people who are neurodivergent in someway.

Examples are:
– dyslexia
– dyspraxia
– dyscalculia
– autism
– adhd

Many people usually think about neurodiversity from the point of view of its negatives (eg dyslexia and difficulty reading and writing). But because the brain processes information differently, there are often traits that someone with a certain form of neurodiversity are very good at

For example, people with dyslexia often have very good visualisation skills and good at mental 3D thinking. Often good at problem solving, making connections that others don’t see (probably because of the visualisation skills. Also often more creative and can be very observant. (I’m dyslexic and a nerd so have looked into things like this a lot)
Other examples of neurodiversity and the “positive” traits that are common in those with them are:
– adhd – hyper focus in areas of interest, energy and passion, creativity
– autism – fine detail processing, good memory and concentration
– Tourette’s and tic disorders – cognitive control
– dyspraxia – verbal skills
– acquired neurodiversity (eg following a stroke) – learned adaptability

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