Eli5 :What’s the difference between logo design, brand identity , brand guide


Its honestly getting confusing for me. I’ve been looking for a freelance designer or agency to do a company project and that can get confusing quickly. Is there a way to make sense of it easily ?

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A logo design is just the logo itself — the symbol or workmark for your brand/company.

Brand identity would be broader… logo, color palette, font choices, overall design aesthetic of packaging and materials, store design, and so on to not only define your brand but also set the tone of the brand, signal to customers what you stand for, etc.

Brand guide is a document/website that outlines the brand identity, that is provided for reference/guidance to those that design materials, ads, websites, swag, uniforms, etc. for the brand. Defines the colors (in different color formats for web, print, etc. uses), typically includes alternate versions of logo (full color, all white, all black, perhaps with and without word marks, horizontal and vertical versions); defines fonts and usage; might outline extensions of identity like store signage/wayfinding or packaging templates; might include some examples of ways to use or not use the branding.

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