Eli5 What’s the difference between making an argument and making a point?


Eli5 What’s the difference between making an argument and making a point?

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4 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Is this the right room for an argument?

Anonymous 0 Comments

A “point” might revolve around a single piece of information or detail in a larger conversation, whereas an argument might be comprised of lots of smaller points. For example, when lawyers are presenting a case in court, arguing that a person is either innocent or guilty, they spend a lot of time building that case and making their argument by presenting many individual pieces of evidence.

Anonymous 0 Comments

You might be asking two different questions here, so I’ll answer both.

If by “argument” you mean a position on a topic, then a “point” is a statement or piece of information to help support an argument. For example, I could make the point that your town’s rate of bicycle accidents is higher than my town’s in my argument that your town’s roads are less safe.

If by “argument” you simply mean disagreement, then an argument involves discourse between opposing perspectives while a point can be made in isolation. Somebody could say “pizza boxes can’t be recycled if they’re too oily”, but for this to become a disagreement someone else would need to say something like “pizza boxes can always be recycled”.

Anonymous 0 Comments

An argument is a series of interconnected statements that arrive at a definitive conclusion

No it is not

Yes it is

No it is not