Eli5: Whats the difference between “processed sugar” and sugar found in fruit, bread and milk etc? arent processed sugar the same sugar molecules as those?


And more specifically, what is it that makes processed sugar worse than consuming sugar from those products, is it blood sugar spike or something?

In: 311

16 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

I will add to what others said:
-yes, in fruits sugar is mixed with other things so its absorbed more slowly, but if you drink fresh squeezed juice its basically like eating pure sugar.
-there is nothing wrong with pure sugar, its just that most of the western world is comically obese and so physically inactive that quick and dense calories are demonetizes since there is no practical usage. Anybody that experienced 1-2h of intense training or a long few hours long chess match (or an exam) knows what a blessing sugar spiking can be. It has its usages.

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