Eli5, what’s the difference between ramjet, scramjet, and turbojet?


I’m an aviation nut but for the love of me I can’t find an explanation that makes sense to me

In: 24

6 Answers

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Turbo jet is what you find on all commercial airliners, they are arguably the most complex engine and are capable of performing from 0mph all the way to just over MK1. By having turbines and mechanically compressing the surrounding air. Ram and scram jets remove mechanical forms of air compression in favour of using the surrounding air pressure (only available at considerably high speeds). You don’t exactly see scramjets too often as they require something like MK5 speeds or higher to even start operating, hence why they require some form of propellant to get them up to speed to begin with, I believe their main application going forward is to be used to drive warheads unmanned compared to the standard intercontinental missile style launches we have (that have very predictable parabolas and are much easier to intercept)

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