ELI5- what’s the difference between the temperature and the “real feel?”


Temperature is how hot/cold something is right?

So wouldn’t the real feel be the temperature in that area? For example How could a “real feel” in an area be 74°F but the actual temperature ends up being 80°F

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5 Answers

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Let’s say it’s 80 degrees outside. One person is wearing a short sleeve shirt, and one person is wearing a winter coat. Will they both feel the same? The answer is no, because outside temperature isn’t the only thing that affects how you feel outside.

One of the most common things that makes you feel hotter is humidity. If it’s humid, your body can’t sweat as effectively. That keeps you from being able to cool down, making it feel hotter.

Another one is sunlight. Even if it’s 75 degrees, the energy from the sun can make you feel much hotter. It’s why roads can often be 100 degrees even when it’s 75 out: they absorb a lot of sunlight, and can’t get rid of the heat fast enough to keep cool. If it’s cloudy, it will feel less hot than if it’s sunny (even if the air is the same temperature).

Finally, wind. A breeze makes it easier to keep cool by replacing the air around you with fresh air. This makes it easier for your body to remove excess heat. If you have a computer, it often does the same thing by using a fan.

A combination of these factors will make it feel hotter or colder outside.

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