eLi5 What’s the science behind what makes popping candy, pop?


eLi5 What’s the science behind what makes popping candy, pop?

In: 22

4 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Bubbles of carbon dioxide in the candy. As it dissolves the gas is released and makes a “pop”

Anonymous 0 Comments

Popping candy was the result of an attempt to make instant soda. The idea was to have CO2 trapped inside sugar pellets.

They thought you might be able to pour the candy into water it would dissolve and act as the syrup and the trapped CO2 might make the sugar water bubbly.

It didnt work, but they did find just putting the candies straight into your mouth made for a pretty interesting sensation as the candy dissolves and releases the trapped bubbles.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Popping candy pops because it contains small pockets of carbon dioxide gas. When you eat it, moisture in your mouth gets inside these pockets, causing them to rapidly release gas, creating the popping sensation and sound.

Anonymous 0 Comments

The key component that makes popping candy pop is carbon dioxide gas (CO2). During the manufacturing process, the candy is mixed with pressurized carbon dioxide gas at a high temperature and pressure. This gas becomes trapped inside the candy as it cools and solidifies.