eli5 when does the body actually store fat?


Like at night when you sleep or what? cause obviously you dont get fat like right after you eat a piece of chocolate or something. I wonder when it happens, when does the fat get stored and you start noticing a belly or fat around your face etc. I’m curious

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When you eat something which has glucose, amino acids or fatty acids, your body will send out a signal to your pancreas to release insulin…think of insulin like the coordinator of a project.

Insulin then tells the cells, especially your liver, muscle and fat cells to absorb glucose, fatty and amino acids

Your liver is basically an unpackaging factory, it unpacks what you get and decides what to do with it

The coordinator (insulin) tells them to basically stop breaking down the glucose and instead create stuff like triglycerides. Other things too but i mention those because you see “triglycerides”, tri. It is a bundle of 3 things.. it is a packaged up thing.

Think about the body being told to not use the fuel for instant use and instead it tells your body to turn your food into neat packages… well now you Have fatty acids that get absorbed into your blood stream and eventually make it to your adipose tissue.. in the form of fat molecules

This is just one route, if there is too much glucose and amino acids it is possible for those to turn into fat molecules inside the bloodstream… also steered by insulin.

So not all you eat is turned into excess fat. How much you store is dependent on how much insulin you have floating around.

This is why a high fat diet like keto or low carb or and protein rich is considered good for weight loss… it does not send as many signals to actually store. And as a bonus if you don’t have high amounts of glucose floating around your body goes into ketosis which is utilising fat as a more direct fuel… so a fat rich diet tells the body to utilise fat more as a form of fuel instead of easily available packets of glucose.

When it happens.. well it can take a while but it’s usually a multi hour long process.

Same with energy for food. You do not exactly get the energy of that burger you just ate…sure some stuff is super available so you get to utilise its energy fast (thats why candy bars and fructose / dextrose work as that energy shot..it is basically ready to use unpacked fuel) your body gets the signal “yo i got more food”, and makes more energy available when you eat. So it can also spend time to unpack and decide what to do with what you just ate.