Eli5: When humans get too fat or obese there is a high risk of heart related issues. But in nature for example Walrus is or hippos are so fat in shape almost their body is consists of fat and are they same sick like humans?


Eli5: When humans get too fat or obese there is a high risk of heart related issues. But in nature for example Walrus is or hippos are so fat in shape almost their body is consists of fat and are they same sick like humans?

In: 104

20 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

I have done a lot of reading around obesity and one of the most interesting studies I read demonstrated that engaging in only four healthful behaviors eliminated the difference in mortality outcomes across average weight, overweight, and obese people. Those four behaviors are: no smoking, limited alcohol, daily exercise, and a high plant intake. There’s a striking chart in the paper here: https://www.jabfm.org/content/25/1/9.abstract?etoc

There are also studies on how being part of a tightly-knit social community can drastically reduce your risk of illness or death.

I will also add that a lot of what people think they know about being fat is outdated.

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