Eli5: When humans get too fat or obese there is a high risk of heart related issues. But in nature for example Walrus is or hippos are so fat in shape almost their body is consists of fat and are they same sick like humans?


Eli5: When humans get too fat or obese there is a high risk of heart related issues. But in nature for example Walrus is or hippos are so fat in shape almost their body is consists of fat and are they same sick like humans?

In: 104

20 Answers

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Hippos are not fat their body consist mostly of muscle. All that Roundness you see is majority muscle. Hippos will FUCK YOU UP if they want to. Again Hippos are not fat they are strong! Walruses evolved to have a blubber layer to protect against cold but if they eat too much they too can get obese (normally this would only happen in captivity) and die from complications to being too fat and sedentary. Humans can have some fat on them but again too much and we will not do well. The problem with humans compared to other animals is generally animals don’t have “unlimited” resources at hand to get morbidly obese or even all that fat. If they get fat they cant catch food as well and will become skinny again, if we are fat, we can go to the supermarket still and get more food. So we just have better opportunities to get fat than animals in the wild. This is also why animals in captivity get fat because essentially they have unlimited resources and don’t have to work to get it so there is no limiting factor to their weight.

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