Eli5: When humans get too fat or obese there is a high risk of heart related issues. But in nature for example Walrus is or hippos are so fat in shape almost their body is consists of fat and are they same sick like humans?


Eli5: When humans get too fat or obese there is a high risk of heart related issues. But in nature for example Walrus is or hippos are so fat in shape almost their body is consists of fat and are they same sick like humans?

In: 104

20 Answers

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It’s basically because physiology differs between species. Humans and walruses have MANY differences. Walruses have tusks, right? The differences between our two species in our ability to gain fat, lose fat, utilize fat for insulation, and put our fat reserves to use is just as big as the differences between our teeth. These differences added up ate WHY we are not the same species of animals.

On top of that, humans seem to have experienced some LARGE changes in our species-wide disease profile fairly recently (within the last several hundred thousand years). For instance, the genes that contribute to heart disease in HUMANS (including Neandethals) are those that cause coronary vascular disease and arthrosclerosis, but both chimpanzees and bonobos, even when obese, rarely get coronary artery disease. What they get is more diseases of rhe heart muscle (myocardium). So, our propensity for cardiovascular disease isn’t unique or exclusive to humans, but it’s not really common in MOST other mammals.

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