Eli5 when it’s windy outside why does the water in toilets swish a little bit?


Eli5 when it’s windy outside why does the water in toilets swish a little bit?

In: 1241

72 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

I had no idea this was even a thing. Gonna have to pay attention next time it’s windy! But I’m sure I’ll forget lol.

Anonymous 0 Comments

ITT OP has a weird vent pipe or sewer grate and thinks other people do too. Breh we’ve never seen what you’re talking about in our lives. But obviously you know whats going on since you connected the two things in your headline.

Anonymous 0 Comments

ITT OP has a weird vent pipe or sewer grate and thinks other people do too. Breh we’ve never seen what you’re talking about in our lives. But obviously you know whats going on since you connected the two things in your headline.

Anonymous 0 Comments

When the air pressure outside is unsteady, the entire plumbing reacts to that change. Specifically, when it’s very windy the air pressure outside is lower, which causes the still air inside to push the water more and cause movement.

Anonymous 0 Comments

I had no idea this was even a thing. Gonna have to pay attention next time it’s windy! But I’m sure I’ll forget lol.

Anonymous 0 Comments

I had no idea this was even a thing. Gonna have to pay attention next time it’s windy! But I’m sure I’ll forget lol.

Anonymous 0 Comments

OMG I just had THIS EXACT thought yesterday and wanted to post here. I’ve never said this cliche but “are you me?” haha

Anonymous 0 Comments

When the air pressure outside is unsteady, the entire plumbing reacts to that change. Specifically, when it’s very windy the air pressure outside is lower, which causes the still air inside to push the water more and cause movement.

Anonymous 0 Comments

When the air pressure outside is unsteady, the entire plumbing reacts to that change. Specifically, when it’s very windy the air pressure outside is lower, which causes the still air inside to push the water more and cause movement.

Anonymous 0 Comments

OMG I just had THIS EXACT thought yesterday and wanted to post here. I’ve never said this cliche but “are you me?” haha