Eli5: when looking around a room your eyes jump from point to point, but when following a moving object they move smoothly. Why can’t they move smoothly when scanning a room?


Eli5: when looking around a room your eyes jump from point to point, but when following a moving object they move smoothly. Why can’t they move smoothly when scanning a room?

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12 Answers

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Because there is no advantage at all to being able to smoothly move your eyes from one side of the horizon to the other if you are a wild animal.

There is an advantage to being able to look very quickly. And there is an advantage to being able to focus on a single moving target and follow it. So that is why those abilities did evolve while the ability to smoothly look around did not.

Your eyes and brain are already doing an insane amount of work. Adding in extra abilities that never had any evolutionary advantage would make no sense and would be a use of resources that would take away from more important tasks.

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