eli5 When people jump with wingsuits what happens?


They seem to have a lot of velocity forward, almost like they are flying. I cant understand how they seem to gain so much momentum forward without anything to propel them while they are falling/flying.

In my head they should just fall straight down but slower than they would without the wingsuits. Bc even if you jump forward off a cliff no way you gain that much momentum. And they don’t fall so slowly that even a little bit of forward velocity is enough to get as far as they do.

In: 2

6 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

The reason is in the name of the outfit. Literally a WING suit.

As such, it acts using the same principles of “lift” as any other wing. So, while gravity is pulling them “down”, the air moving over the top of the suit has a lower pressure than the air moving under the suit, creating “lift”. This lift has the effect of moving them forward, and the end result is what you see on videos . . . not so much an uncontrolled plummeting to Earth, but instead an angled descent, just as you see from a glider (though far steeper).

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