Depends on the adoption agency. Here’s a tale of woe from my friends;
A girl gets pregnant and signs up to allow her child to be adopted. After a few interviews, my friend and his wife are selected to be the adoptive parents! Hurray!
So they fly (800 miles) to visit her and talk to her. They buy baby stuff, and they pay for the girl’s doctor visit’s and pre-natal care.
As the day approaches, they buy tickets to fly down and gather up their bundle of joy. The DAY BEFORE, the agency calls them and says “Yeah, so the girl’s family talked her out of giving up the baby. Sorry!” So … along with having their hearts broken, not a penny of compensation for all the medical bills they paid, or the airline tickets they bought or anything and not another word from the birth mother at all. Not even a “Thanks for paying all my pre-natal health care!”.
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