eli5: When you have an organ removal (say lung) what goes in all the space where the organ once was?


eli5: When you have an organ removal (say lung) what goes in all the space where the organ once was?

In: Biology

3 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

##**It depends on which organ.**

If a lung is removed, the other lung will expand in size and fill up **some** of the space that the other lung took up. The remaining space will fill up with fluid. [mucous]

If a kidney [and most other organs] is removed other organs will shift into that position. Any space that is not filled up by an organ will then be filled in with fluid. Any area not filled in by mucous will be filled in with fascia. [This is also known as connective tissue; it takes a while for it to grow so there is usually less of it].

In some cases, **a foreign object** can be put in the location of the removed organ. **This is very rare.** It will be done in the case that the organ was providing structural support.

For example, after mastectomy, there is a breast implant put in the place of the removed breast tissue to maintain the shape of the breast.

Anonymous 0 Comments

I’m not entirely sure about above the diaphragm (lungs and heart). However, below the diaphragm (liver, gallbladder, stomach, intestines, pancreas, small/large intestine (uterus/fallopian tubes if female), and kidneys, if an organ is removed the other organs will simply move around to occupy the remaining space. Source: I work in surgery (not a doctor though).

Anonymous 0 Comments

Organs are squishy and the skin is elastic. So the skin will just push the other organs into the empty place.