Eli5: When your credit card doesn’t read at a credit card machine, why does covering it with a plastic bag suddenly make it work?


Had this done multiple time at the register. Card not reading, so the cashier will cover the ribbon or the chip with a plastic bag and YATZEE, it goes through. Why?

In: 407

17 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Probably blocks the chip contacts for chip and pin which is preferred. Falls back to magstripe. Might be depending on the reader config though as the strip contains information if the card supports chip and pin.

Anonymous 0 Comments

The equivalent in the developed world as opposed to the US (jk) is the trick to get most cards to ‘tap’ that refuse to tap. Its usually because the antenna inside the card connected to the chip has disconnected from the chip inside the card or the antenna loop has been severed somewhere along its length. Usual cause of this the card getting bent in your wallet when you sit on it. Trick is to re-warp the card yourself by pressing it against the reader while bending it a bit in the x or y axis. This often gets the internal antenna wire to momentarily make a connection.

Also, dunno if its the same elsewhere outside of Ireland but in case you are still confused why you ‘randomly’ need to enter your pin instead of the machine allowing you to tap, its not random at all. You get 5 consecutive taps over any number of days whereupon you need to enter the pin for the 6th transaction…..unless you’ve already hit the €150 tap limit with the first 3 or 4 consecutive taps. ie. With a €50 per tap limit, 3 taps of €50 will cause you to hit the tap limit at 3 taps instead of 5 requiring you to enter the pin for the 4th transaction. These Tap limits are to limit the banks liability should the card be stolen or lost and used by someone else without the pin code. ie. Limits the banks liability to €150.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Tell me you are from the US without telling me that you are from the US.

You should move to a chip based card which you can just tap on the reader.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Close! It’s actually spelled “Yahtzee”. Also, to answer the question, it’s because the data is redundant, so by adding plastic, you make it so that the “good copies” are much easier to read than the bad parts.

Anonymous 0 Comments

The card reader won’t respond without protection. Card reader insists on *”no glove – no love”*

Anonymous 0 Comments

Woah. This is such a blast from the past for me. I used to work as a check out chick in Aus around 2006-2009 and I would always do this before PayWave/ PayPass came around. Unlocked a memory for sure!

Anonymous 0 Comments

Before the stripe gets smeared, the protective coating is removed. Just tilt the card in the slot so that the gap is increased it will often work.