eli5 when you’re ill do you cough in your sleep if so why dosent it wake you up?


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2 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

It’s a two part explanation.

First, you aren’t exposed to as many irritants that may trigger a cough when you’re sleeping. Think things like pollen, smoke, dust. Of course there’s dust in your bed but you aren’t stirring it up as much.

Second, similarly to other reflexes, your cough reflex is suppressed (not turned all the way off, but definitely turned down) when you’re sleeping. A mild tickle in your throat that may cause you to cough when you’re awake goes unnoticed when you’re asleep.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Mind over Matter. Your brain, consciously and unconsciously, has enormous control over all parts of your body, included your sleep. If your brain decides to suppress coughs or prevent you from waking up even if you do cough, its going to do that.