It is not uncommon to remove the fish guts as soon as the fish have been caught. Or in the vary least when the fish is prepared for sale. So you should not be surprised if the guts have already been removed. However if you fillet fish properly you slide the knife along the outside of the bones that protects the guts. So you are not cutting into the guts at all. What you are left with after you have removed the fish fillets is the bones containing the guts inside.
The organs? they are sitting in the chum buckets back on the fishing vessels. The organs are removed to ice the fish better to preserve them. They then proceed to throw the organs in a bucket to use as bait, known as chum, if it’s the type of fishing that chums the water. IF they don’t use it themselveS? they sell it to other fishermen to well use as chum to chum the waters.
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