eli5 Where does moisturising cream end up?


Does moisturising cream eventually evaporate, or stay in the skin, or get absorbed into the body? If the last one, is it harmful?

In: 26

5 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

The moisture will eventually evaporate, and some of the dried parts left will flake off, while some will stay stuck to your skin (how much depends on the cream) – this is not a problem, as humans slowly grow more skin and shed old parts gradually, where we have new skin layers every 2-4 weeks. Any leftover cream will simply go away with the old skin. This is why if you get a stain that doesn’t wash off it will eventually go away

Anonymous 0 Comments

Most moisturising creams are actually oil based, they work by making a sealed layer, stopping the water that’s in your body from evaporating out. They eventually just wash or rub off, so you’re not at any risk. Some creams will have added vitamins and stuff but if they were harmful they wouldn’t be allowed to sell them and many don’t actually absorb into your skin anyway

Anonymous 0 Comments

It ends up as a constituent of the skin flakes mixed in with your household dust. It is NOT “absorbed into your subdermal layers” or any similar marketing nonsense.

Anonymous 0 Comments

I have a friend who’s really into BeautyCounter products. She says you should never use a lotion that you wouldn’t be willing to eat ( if it tasted different) because one way or the other, it is absorbed/ consumed by your body. For what that’s worth.

Anonymous 0 Comments

As you age, your skin naturally gets thinner and drier. Your skin absorbs the moisturiser and helps your skin stay plump and hydrated. The brand doesn’t matter at all. Sorbelene in a pump pack works just as well as expensive moisturisers in tiny jars. A few times a week with a cheap Sorbelene works just as well as twice daily with expensive “wrinkle creams”. Drink plenty of water daily and moisturise regularly. Use scrub gloves every couple of weeks. Don’t drink alcohol or smoke cigarettes.