ELi5: Which technology do digital watches use to measure time?


There are multiple methods to measure time. In the past, we had unreliable time measuring tools like sundials and hourglasses. Then Christiaan Huygens using the concept of SHM invented the pendulum clock which was the first precise enough time measuring device. Eventually Pendulum was replaced by Quartz Crystals which are used in Analogue clocks and watches. I want to know which method do digital clocks and watches use? It is Quartz crystals or something other? Is that other more precise than Quartz crystal?

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Digital watches use quartz crystals. The crystal oscillates at 32768 cycles per second. This number was chosen because it can be divided by two fifteen times to get one pulse per second. The crystal is shaped like a tuning fork. The crystal frequency is very accurate. It can be adjusted to be accurate to one second per week, with a device called a variable capacitor.

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