eli5 why Adobe Flash was taken down


I know that it had to do with security and also incompatibility with smart phones, but was there anything else that resulted in its deprecation and ultimate demise? Why couldn’t they have left it up even if it wasn’t the best program/plug-in?

In: Technology

5 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

The thing about Flash has two pieces to it.

1) **Adobe stopped developing it.** Technologies like HTML5 do most of what Flash was capable of, so Flash was rendered obsolete in most ways. Why would Adobe keep supporting a clunky, old thing that was riddled with security issues and has a replacement that’s better in almost every way?

2) **Browsers stopped supporting Flash.** Even if Adobe stopped *patching* Flash, you could still *run* existing versions. And that’s still true, you can find programs that run Flash. But web browsers aren’t it. They completely dropped it. Why? Well, why would you want to support running an old, derilect technology riddled with security issues that will never be patched ever again? That’s just asking for your users to be abused as new exploits are discovered and there’s nothing they can do about it. Best to just drop it to protect their users.

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