eli5 why ancient historical buildings haven’t been kept up? Why are buildings like the Parthenon and the Colosseum in such disrepair? Greece and Rome/Italy have existed the entire time?


eli5 why ancient historical buildings haven’t been kept up? Why are buildings like the Parthenon and the Colosseum in such disrepair? Greece and Rome/Italy have existed the entire time?

In: 508

93 Answers

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I don’t know if you’re American, but think about buildings like:

-Michigan Central Station, Detroit (abandoned for decades, with some revitalization in progress)

-Any abandoned mall (abandoned, future tbd)

-Astrodome, Houston (abandoned, future tbd)

and ask how they fell into a state of abandonment and disrepair despite the governments of the United States and every state and local government that have jurisdiction over these respective structures staying intact. These buildings became old, expensive to maintain/renovate, and outlived their economic usefulness.

Same thing with these older buildings. Why pay to keep up an old stadium or temple that nobody uses anyway?

Additionally, it’s important to note that the nation that built the Colosseum is not the same nation that is called Italy today. Rome fell around 476 AD along with a lot of the wealth and infrastructure to support something like the Colosseum. Italy wasn’t reunited as a single nation until 1861. Rome didn’t surpass its ancient population until after WWII.

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