eli5: Why and How do humans use body language, sometimes without realizing it?


Seems like it’s a language that all of us understand (more or less) but it’s really not widely talked about & we use it without realizing we’re using it. Explain please. Thanks

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3 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Before humans were even humans (earlier apes) we communicated completely with grunts and body language. That didn’t go away just because we figured out how to talk to each other. So, there is a lot of things we tell each other with facial expression, blushing, body posture, and pheromones that we don’t even necessarily notice consciously. That used to be the only way we told each other things.

Anonymous 0 Comments

We use body language to communicate with others, sometimes without realizing it. It’s a way to show how we’re feeling and to convey our emotions.

Anonymous 0 Comments

It’s an unconscious response to conditions. When a person is in an unfamiliar or uncomfortable situation his body produces adrenaline. That allows muscles to contract faster and more easily in case you have to fight or run away. If you have to give a speech you react the same way and although you make the decision to get up in front of everyone, your body still primes you to flee or fight and you get shaky.

When a person feels threatened he instinctively tries to protect sensitive areas. He’ll cross his arms or legs, or sometimes cross his hands in front of his crotch.

Lying makes most people uncomfortable. A person who’s lying will often try to avoid eye contact or will cover his mouth in someway. You’ll sometimes see someone talking unconsciously shaking his head no at the same time.

There are some differences in body language between cultures, but most of them are natural responses and our bodies respond in a similar way.