ELi5 Why are assholes not festering?


I’m just curious why are assholes which is constantly exposed to germs is not causing any infections or at least getting irritation from being constantly exposed to shit which is dirty.

In: 20

16 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Additionally, all bacteria and microbes, that come out of your butt have already been inside your body, so you cannot get any “new” infections this way. Nevertheless, getting as many of them out without re-entering helps a lot

Anonymous 0 Comments

Additionally, all bacteria and microbes, that come out of your butt have already been inside your body, so you cannot get any “new” infections this way. Nevertheless, getting as many of them out without re-entering helps a lot

Anonymous 0 Comments

You mean they aren’t meant to?

Anonymous 0 Comments

You mean they aren’t meant to?

Anonymous 0 Comments

also your tongue, if it gets a cut it rarely gets infected, it makes its own antibacterial proteins

Anonymous 0 Comments

also your tongue, if it gets a cut it rarely gets infected, it makes its own antibacterial proteins

Anonymous 0 Comments


Anonymous 0 Comments


Anonymous 0 Comments

First reason is that mucosal tissue creates a physical barrier that is very hard for microbes to get through. Additionally, the vast majority of lymphocytes in your body are found in those tissues. And your immune system is just in general much more active there too. When cells detect an invading organism they don’t call for help, they just initiate the immune response themselves.

Of course, it would be horrible for our entire bodies to be composed of this sort of tissue. its great against microbes, but not so great about mechanical damage. So you only find it where its most important.

Anonymous 0 Comments

First reason is that mucosal tissue creates a physical barrier that is very hard for microbes to get through. Additionally, the vast majority of lymphocytes in your body are found in those tissues. And your immune system is just in general much more active there too. When cells detect an invading organism they don’t call for help, they just initiate the immune response themselves.

Of course, it would be horrible for our entire bodies to be composed of this sort of tissue. its great against microbes, but not so great about mechanical damage. So you only find it where its most important.