Eli5 why are computer viruses so rare now? Back then you can get a fleet of viruses just by clicking a link


Eli5 why are computer viruses so rare now? Back then you can get a fleet of viruses just by clicking a link

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5 Answers

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Software is made with a lot more attention to security. Clicking a link and getting a virus relies on your browser having a “chink in its armour” where some accidental wrong code causes something to happen that’s not supposed to happen. Clicking a link isn’t supposed to make anything happen outside the browser. Browsers are made more carefully with less duct tape, and they wear more than one layer of armour (so-called exploit mitigations, or defense in depth)

You can still get a virus by downloading a .exe file and running it, though. Less people get software by Googling it and downloading a .exe. It’s all app stores this and game launchers that.

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