eli5 Why are electric vehicles becoming standard when they have low range?


I’m asking this without bias. Just genuine curiosity. Cause I don’t understand (hence eli5 lol). Why are they being pushed right now when it’s known that almost all EVs have ranges that are quite low? Compared to the amount of miles one may get with a full tank of gas that is.

Surely they would focus more on increasing the amount of range per charge to match what you can get in terms of gas in a newer gas powered car (closer to 500). Instead of setting laws in place to phase gas out before electric is even fully developed.

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23 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Because they’re less noisy, they don’t emit exhaust (so it’s perfectly safe to run it inside a closed garage, for example), maintenance often costs less (no radiator/engine cooling system, no transmission, no engine oil changes, etc)

I do agree that they’re not right for everyone right now (or maybe ever), but still.

Anonymous 0 Comments

How much range do you need? My daily commute is six miles round trip, though most people are going to be in the 10-20 mi/day range. Very few people actually need a car with a 500 mile range.

Anonymous 0 Comments

In so very many ways, the world is not ready for EVs yet. We need 10-15 years of advancing hybrid technology first. EVs are not yet “green,” that is really just a come-on, and the grid is too frail to support this. EVers will say it is redundant to have two different power sources, but if the industrial money and focus were put into hybrid technology, it would be the better choice for the average car-driver–and the planet–until total EV comes up to speed.