Eli5: why are humming birds and flys metabolisms so fast when your motabolism speeds up the more mass you have?


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2 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

I don’t know where you’ve heard that second part, but it’s backwards. I don’t know how fast is a fly’s metabolism, but most small animals (warm blooded anyway) have faster metabolism, because they shed heat faster (square-cube law) and therefore need to generate it faster. Plus, for something like a hummingbird, they also need to generate A LOT of energy to power those wings.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Metabolism isn’t based on size. It’s based on energy needs. Hummingbirds fly very fast with very quick beats of their wings. They expend huge amounts of energy to do this. To compensate they ingest sugar as their food. Sugar is good for quick energy but not long term energy. So they must eat more and more often to sustain their energy.

No look at a sloth. A sloth is a sizable animal however it eats leaves which are a low energy food source. Therefore the sloth has a slow metabolism so that it doesn’t use all if its energy before it has time to consume more. The consequences of this is that a sloth moves very very slow.