Eli5: why are invasive species so good at living in foreign places?


I feel like invasive species would have a harder time living in a new area because they don’t know how to hunt/fight in the new area. I always hear how sensitive animals can be to changes in their environment too, so wouldn’t moving animals to a whole new environment mess them up? Why is this not the case?

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6 Answers

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Not every foreign species is invasive. What makes a species invasive is if there’s nothing to keep it in check, and it begins to out compete the native wildlife.

Almost all livestock is not native to the Americas, but yet it’s here and being kept in check.

Zebra mussels are not native to North America, but they are invasive because their natural predator is not there to keep their population down, so they can reproduce and eat the food that other things in the ecosystem need. We also can’t just introduce their predator, because it may find that other things in the ecosystem are easier to eat and just make the problem worse.

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