eli5: Why are nautical miles used to measure distance in the sea and not just kilo meters or miles?


eli5: Why are nautical miles used to measure distance in the sea and not just kilo meters or miles?

In: 9827

9 Answers

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A wheel rolls on the ground. Let’s make the circumference of the wheel 1 meter. 1000 rotations is 1 km. Very easy to measure.

A wheel does not roll in water. So now we have to use a different tool to measure. Let’s take a rope and tie knots at regular intervals. If we tie a float to one end of the rope and toss it overboard the float with remain where we dropped it as the boat moves forward. The number of knots that spool out over one minute is our speed in knots.

This unit, knots, in now used to describe all distances over a body of water. All our charts, logs, and routes use this unit. If we want to describe larger distances, we simply increase the time of measurement from 1 minute to one hour. One knot equals one nautical mile per hour. So now when I calculate my current speed, say 5 knots, I instantly know how much distance this represents. Remember, all my charts and maps are keyed to this unit. So it remains the standard because it is easy to use and makes sense to me as a sailor.

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