Eli5 why are people saying muscle and fat weigh the same?


So I keep seeing people say muscle and fat weigh the same because a lb of each is a lb. But surely a lb of anything is an lb? You need less muscle to reach an lb then you do fat, right?

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5 Answers

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I think the disconnect is that you’re using the colloquial version of measurng weight which implies equal volume. Like, a cart full of feathers is obviously gonna be a lot lighter than a cart full of bricks, so our monkey brains go “brick>feather” and this is reflected in common speech. Same way a piece of muscle the size of an apple will be heavier than the same size and shape but made of fat. But people arguing the two weigh the same are using the objective, mathematical way to talk about mass, where 1lb is 1lb. IMO it’s not a very helpful way to understand things for the average person unless you’re a mathematician/physicist. We’re subjective creatures after all.

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