Eli5: Why are professional athletes typically banned from placing bets that are in favor of their own team/themselves?


I understand why you would not want athletes to throw games on purpose if they place a large bet for the opposing team to win, however let’s say I am a pitcher in baseball, and I place a bet for my own team to win, wouldn’t that only motivate me to play better because I stand to win more money by doing so?

In: 1352

39 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Let’s use Pete Rose as an example. As a mgr, betting on your own team to win means you are willing to make managerial decisions to win your bet. Even though those decisions are a detriment to your team, like bringing in a reliever when they may need more rest.

Anonymous 0 Comments

It’s not really in anyone’s best interest to have players making any sort of bets on themselves.

Casino’s definitely don’t want it, as the players would have insider info.

Leagues don’t want players jeopardizing the integrity of their sport (or possibly going bankrupt gambling).

Anonymous 0 Comments

You wouldn’t want your politician, who is supposed to represent you, getting a lot of financial incentives from, say, corporations and lobbyists, would you?

Anonymous 0 Comments

I thought about this the other day and realized that a team could sandbag the odds and then change the lineup or some other kind of manipulation. Or they could report injuries that aren’t as bad as they say… etc.

Anonymous 0 Comments

A lot of these posts miss something. Athletes who bet on sports will lose. Some will lose big and go into serious debt. Once that happens, their creditors have leverage against them. With that leverage they can force them into outcomes *they* want. It’s an avenue into fixing matches.

It happens a lot more than you think, which is why sports leagues crack down on gambling so heavily.

Anonymous 0 Comments

There’s another reason not mentioned (although maybe this reason is changing). But gambling at all incurs the risk of becoming indebted to bookies. When gambling was almost strictly illegal this could often lead to you being indebted to unsavory characters who could then force you to throw games so you could pay back the debt. That’s why it has such a bad reputation in sports

Anonymous 0 Comments

In football, you have 5 days of practice and preparation for the next game. Every team goes in with a game plan. I.e focus heavy on the run game and keep the clock running. Players could bet the over rushing yards and under total points. It’s an unfair advantage.

Anonymous 0 Comments

that’s a good question – marketing?? Makes it harder to monitor?? Casts a shadow on the dark underbelly of society by our superhero’s ?? (Star athletes)

Maybe it will take precedent to woo! Go team! Idunno.

Anonymous 0 Comments

My feelings on this are simple. Bet on what you want but don’t crap where you eat. In other words don’t bet on the sport you play.

Anonymous 0 Comments

There is also the flip-side of *not* betting. If I bet on myself to win with any regularity, me NOT betting on myself to win is tantamount to betting on myself to lose.

This was one major rationale for Pete Rose being suspended from baseball for life.