Eli5: why are ps5s so much more one the secondary market than Xbox series x?


Eli5: why are ps5s so much more one the secondary market than Xbox series x?

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4 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Higher demand primarily. They’ve been the more sought after counsol since release. Pretty crazy that they’re still nearly impossible to get in many regions. And higher demand is just the primary reason, there is some supply side issues regarding chips and manufacturing definitely contributing.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Because people are willing to pay more for them.

Price is driven by demand and availability. When availability is down (like now) demand goes up. And then the price goes up with it.

The reason the PS5 is selling for more, could be because it’s even harder to find than the Xbox, it had more demand, or both. So people who have the money are willing to pay more.

Anonymous 0 Comments

If you subscribe to automated discordd bot for notifications then you’ll see it’s because brand new PS5s go in sale a lot less

Anonymous 0 Comments

PlayStation is the more popular brand at the moment so it sales more and is more in demand thus less Avila or supply which means it goes for a higher price.