Eli5, why are safari cars open roof?


I see these vids of safaris where lions, cheetahs etc are out hunting and people are sitting in open roof cars. Is that not just a free meal waiting to happen for the lion?

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5 Answers

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The open roof allows for much better view. The roll cage is much smaller then the pillars keeping the roof up, assuming there is even a roll cage. And the missing roof allows you to stand up for a better view. A lot of these safari cars even have raised seats which would not be possible with a roof.

Wild animals generally do not attack cars unless they feel very threataned. And the safari guides are good at keeping their distance to not disturb the animals and read the animals behavior for any signs of agression. If the guides feel that the situation is not safe they will drive away, the safari cars can easily outpace any animal. A lot of safaris also take place on reservations where the animals are used to the humans. They might be raised in captivity, at least partially. So they do not see humans as a threat or as pray.

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