Eli5, why are safari cars open roof?


I see these vids of safaris where lions, cheetahs etc are out hunting and people are sitting in open roof cars. Is that not just a free meal waiting to happen for the lion?

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5 Answers

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Nature is not “red in tooth and claw” as we have been led to believe by various documentaries and shows. In reality, preditors are extremely cautious about what they hunt – taking on an animal too hastily can cause injury or death, both of which are quite bad for the animal. Preditors tend to only hunt a small selection of animals, and even then only when they are relatively sure that they will be successful in the kill.

Humans are not part of their daily diet, and being of similar size they pose a significant threat to the preditor should they attack. As a result, the best course of action is to simply leave the human be unless the animal is desperate or threatened.

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