eli5: Why are software updates on the Nintendo Switch so much faster than on the iPhone?


I have noticed that whenever I update my Nintendo Switch, it only takes a few seconds to complete the process. However, when I update my iPhone, it usually takes several minutes or even longer.

Why is there such a big difference in the speed of software updates between these two devices? Is it because of the hardware, the software, or something else? Please explain like I’m five.

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It’s because the Switch has a much smaller, more focused operating system so there’s less to update.

When an iPhone software update comes out, it updates the operating system, and any number of apps such as Safari, Calendar, Camera, Messages, and so on. It’s all rolled into one update that depending on the release could be very large.

The Switch meanwhile just doesn’t have all that extra stuff to update. It just just has to run the system and play the games.

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