eli5: Why are some classes of products heavily branded while others arent?


For example, clothing and cars are typically heavily branded. They typically have prominent displays of brands and consumers tend to have a high degree of brand awareness/loyalty for these items.

Other items, like houses and fresh produce, arent heavily branded. They dont prominently display their brands and consumers generally dont show much brand loyalty, or are even aware of what company built their house or grew their vegetables.

Why is this? What characteristics make a product susceptible to branding?

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4 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Clothing and cars (and phones and watches and stuff) are mass produced items and intended to be shown off to people so people like showing off that what they have is made by a “high tier” designer.

I don’t think large scale house designers really even exist, so no one would know the “brand” of the house even if they saw it. Houses you can also kind of tell how expensive it is based purely on seeing it- the average person probably cannot easily tell apart how much clothes, watches, phones, cars etc cost without some indication who designed those items, while you can tell how much a house costs relative to those around it just based off how it looks (obviously location matters too, like a normal 4 bedroom house in Palo Alto will cost more than a mansion in Montana).

With fresh produce, it would be basically impossible to show off its branding, given that you’re probably cutting it up and mixing it with other things which would make it indistinguishable from any other brand

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