Eli5 why are some metals magnetic and some arent?


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All metals have some type of magnetism. Elements in groups 2 and 12 (and 18, the Noble Gases) are what’s called diamagnetic – a very weak effect caused by all their electrons being paired. Elements and molecules with unpaired electrons are paramagnetic (you can see this effect in liquid oxygen in videos such as this one [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lt4P6ctf06Q&pp=ygUWbGlxdWlkIG94eWdlbiBtYWduZXRpYw%3D%3D](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lt4P6ctf06Q&pp=ygUWbGlxdWlkIG94eWdlbiBtYWduZXRpYw%3D%3D))

Ferromagnets (iron, nickel, cobalt) have a special type of paramagnetism. Clusters of atoms form “domains” that line up together increasing the magnetic effect. This causes the effect to be “permanent” (it can be reversed by heating a magnet but otherwise it’s quite tricky to undo).

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