Eli5: Why are suburbs given there own names but still considered to be part of whatever big city they’re closest too. Is it part of the big city or it’s own?


Eli5: Why are suburbs given there own names but still considered to be part of whatever big city they’re closest too. Is it part of the big city or it’s own?

In: 3

6 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

The suburbs used to be a little town of its own. The big city came in and snatched them up for their own.

Anonymous 0 Comments

It’s historical. Some suburbs started as seperate cities and maintained their independence with their own city councils, some are part of the larger city.

Anonymous 0 Comments

A large city and all of its suburbs together are a “metro area,” and the metro area is usually just referred to by the name of the large city. The suburbs often remain separate cities/towns/etc and handle their own affairs, but the residents of the suburb might say they are “in” the larger city especially if they are interacting with people in other parts of the country.

Anonymous 0 Comments

They are their own municipalities with their own governments and city services but are part of the large city’s metro area because it’s still the economic and cultural focus for the area.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Because I don’t want to explain the history, politics, and demographics of New Rochelle to someone from California. Neither, I’d wager, would someone from Cheektowaga.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Because people in Dahlonega, GA still have to go to Atlanta if they want to fly on a commercial flight, watch major league sports in person, etc.