eli5 Why are there multiple swimming techniques in sports?


I guess this applies to many different sports but it seems even more obvious in swimming. Why bother with imposing styles or technique if the only goal is to go as fast as possible?

Like with the high jump. The way people do it now is more efficient than the way they did it a hundred years ago so athletes adapted, they didn’t create categories to keep the older technique relevant. What am I missing?

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5 Answers

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It is, in the end arbitrary what we decide as an event in sports. But different forms are different sports and require different skills.

We don’t equate the shot putt, javelin and discus. You could generalize and say “it is simply throwing something the longest distance” so why bother with 3 events.

Or 100m, 400m, 800m, marathon etc. It is simply running fast – so why bother with multiple events. Just have one race.

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